Eunice Initiative - Year 1

Every third Tuesday of every month until May 21, 2024

7:00pm – 9:00pm

Category: Event

Phoenix Seminary and The Gospel Coalition Arizona have partnered together to create The Eunice Initiative, a strategic 3-year program aimed at teaching women to teach for generational impact. Timothy’s mother, Eunice, provides a type of generational link for us to emulate as a woman who learned the faith from her mother Lois and then shared the gospel with her son Timothy (2 Timothy 1:5). Phoenix Seminary professors, local pastors, and female leaders will provide a mixture of theological instruction and practical training to equip women to better serve their local churches, homes, and communities for future generations.

Inspired by a program of RTS Orlando, our unique program focuses on two different but equally important areas—principles and practicals. Each year will begin with Phoenix Seminary faculty introducing students to the principles of teaching: hermeneutics (year 1), theology (year 2), and Contemporary Issues (year 3).

For the remainder of each year, we will turn to the practicals of teaching the Bible. Using a format similar to The Charles Simeon Trust, women will learn to teach a variety of genres: Acts (year 1), 1 Peter (year 2), Amos (year3). Our goal is to help students grow in their ability to rightly understand the Scriptures in their original contexts, exalt Christ, and develop relevant applications for their listeners.


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