The Tweetable Paul Tripp
Many find it near impossible to say anything worth saying in 140 characters or less. But, I was struck at The Gospel Coalition Arizona’s recent What Did You Expect? Marriage Conference and Dangerous Calling Lunch by Paul Tripp’s uncanny ability to string together tweetable statements that packed a powerful punch.
That being said, I’ve put together a list of some of TGC AZ’s Tweets from this past weekend.
Dating is like shopping for used cars. We'll do anything to get you to say yes. Marriage is where the real person shows up.
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
The little moments of your marriage has profound significance because it's the address where your marriage truly lives. #WDYE #TGCAZ2014
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
Romance is not a cause, but a result of a good marriage. - Paul Tripp #WDYE
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
What we do and say is not caused by what's outside us or around us. It's caused by what's inside us, our heart. #WDYE #TGCAZ2014
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
If any of us had the power to change human behavior in a lasting way, Jesus would not have had to come. - @PaulTripp #WDYE #TGCAZ2014
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
All marriage problems are heart problems. ALL. - @PaulTripp #WDYE #TGCAZ2014
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
Because of the power and transforming grace of Jesus Christ, there is not one marriage that is truly hopeless. #WDYE
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
You don't have a slob problem, you have a treasure problem. (On those wives who are obsessed with a clean house) #WDYE #TGCAZ2014
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
Husbands, if spending time with your hobby feels better than spending time with your wife & family, you have a treasure problem. #WDYE
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
Naming something a "need" brings: 1) Entitlement 2) Demand for it 3) Judgemt on the love of those who won't / can't give it to you. #WDYE
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
LOVE: Love is willing self-sacrifice for the good of another that doesn't demand reciprocation or that the recipient deserves it. #WDYE
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
One of the greatest sins in marriage today is ingratitude. #WDYE
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
Want to bring the Kingdom of God to yr marriage? Here it is: love,joy,peace,patience,kindness, goodness,faithfulness,gentleness,self-control
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
You know why we don't like to wait? Because waiting shows us we don't control everything. You've never gotten angry waiting for you. #WDYE
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
Are you a soft brush in the Redeemer's hand, as he paints his glory and goodness in your marriage and in this world? #WDYE
— TGC Arizona (@TGCArizona) January 25, 2014
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